Memories of WWII

Port Jefferson and Elsewhere

The goal of this webpage is to gather memories of the critical and dramatic days (1941-45) during which the United States was engaged in a world war.  We hope you will contribute your memories and observations to a web site (with hard copy in the Port Jefferson Free Library and the Port Jefferson Historical Society) that will be available to the public (so please only tell us what you wish others to read).

Memories of WWII
Port Jefferson and Elsewhere

Whether you served in the United States Armed Forces or some other branch of government and public service or whether you spent those years in Port Jefferson, we would like to learn about your war-time experience and memories. Feel free to answer as many of the questions as you wish; feel free to skip those where you have nothing to say or do not wish to go on a public record. Please answer at any length you chose, from a simple “yes” or “no” to a full account of your experience or reflections.

Personal Info.


If you went away from home for the armed services or other war-related work was this your first extended stay away from home as an adult (summer camp doesn’t count)? How were people you were living with employed when the war broke out?

Questions 5 – 17 are for those who served in the armed forces.

If you did not serve, you will skip ahead.

Questions 18 – 24 are for those who lived in Port Jefferson before or during the war.

If you did not live in Port Jefferson before or during the war, you have reached the end of the questionnaire.

Please be sure to fill out the Captcha and then click the Submit button to have your response recorded.

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