Seniors Resources
Home Outreach Service:
Don’t let a temporary or permanent illness and/or physical disability stop you from experiencing the Library. Let the Library come to you! If you are homebound, sign up for our Home Outreach Service.
Simply fill out our Home Outreach Application (PDF), and – if possible – drop it off to the Library. Otherwise, just call and ask to speak with an Adult Services Librarian to discuss arrangements. Volunteers and/or Library staff will deliver your Library items to you, free of charge!
Talking Books:
The Library is proud to promote the Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library ( service, available to those unable to read regular print due to temporary or permanent conditions, including: legal blindness, visual impairment or low vision, physical disability, or reading disability, as diagnosed by a medical doctor. Visit the Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library for eligibility information and to view the catalog of available materials. Please fill out the Application (PDF) and mail it in to the Andrew Heiskell Library directly to obtain these services. For more information, click here.
Music & Memory:
A personalized music therapy program for people with Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and other related neurological disorders. PJFL has a limited number of kits to loan out to caregivers (MUST have a valid PJFL card) of homebound people with these disorders. For more information on this worldwide program, visit Contact our Adult Services Department for more information.
If you would like to sign up, please fill out this Playlist Questionnaire (PDF) and return it to the Reference Department.
Helpful Document: Important Phone Numbers & Websites