Assistive Technology: Resources & Services
In line with the Library’s mission of providing equal access for all
What is Assistive Technology?
Assistive technology (AT) is any item, piece of equipment, software program, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of persons with disabilities.
American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreters
In line with the Library’s mission of providing equal access for all, an American Sign Language Interpreter may be requested for any program. Please contact the Head of Adult Services, Erin Schaarschmidt, at 631-473-0022 or at least two weeks in advance of the program date.
Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Books Library
Offered through the New York Public Library, this service provides braille and special format audio books and magazines through the United States Postal Service for people who are physically unable to read standard print. Applications are available online (PDF) and in the Front Reading Room by our circulating collection of talking books. All registered Talking Books Library users are welcome to utilize our circulating collection of talking books. More information:
Audio Format of the Newsletter
Separated into four sections, the front and back covers, Children’s Programs, Teen Center and Adult Programs & Services, audio formats of the newsletter can be found on our website at
Audiobooks & Playaways
The Library offers a wide selection of titles on CD as well as handheld devices that work with headphones.
Braille Format
In line with the Library’s mission of providing equal access for all, the Library is able to accommodate a request for any section of the newsletter, board meeting minutes, or any other of the library’s produced print materials to be transcribed into braille (not including books or circulating materials). Please contact the Head of Adult Services, Erin Schaarschmidt, at 631-473-0022 or at least two weeks in advance of the date required. Limitations may apply.
Closed Captioned Movies
The Library offers movie screenings on select Friday afternoons with closed captions upon request at the Adult Reference Desk the day of the movie.
Digital Video Magnifiers
Gifted by the Port Jefferson Lions Club, this 5 inch high-definition LCD display screen reading aid will meet the needs for people with low vision, color blindness and amblyopia. Ideal aid for reading, writing and viewing map. Magnification times: 4-32 times. PJFL cardholders may check this item out.
E-Books & E-Audiobooks
The Library has access to digital books and audiobooks through our website at These alternatives do not require you to come into the Library building and the E-books offer larger font sizes without compromising your reading experience.
The Library has access to digital magazines through our website at This alternative does not require you to come into the Library building and allows you to zoom each page of the magazine enhancing your reading experience.
Home Outreach Service- PJFL cardholders ONLY
Don’t let a temporary or permanent illness and/or a physical disability stop you from experiencing the wonders of the library, let the library come to you! Patrons who are homebound may sign up for our Home Outreach Service. Volunteers and/or library staff will deliver your library items to you free of charge. Simply fill out our Home Outreach Application (PDF), if possible, drop it off to the Library, otherwise, just call and ask to speak with a Reference Librarian to discuss the arrangements.
Kindle Paperwhites– PJFL cardholders ONLY
These E-readers are pre-loaded with popular titles and available for loan. Paperwhites have built-in adjustable light, do not provide screen glare, can be read with one hand, and offer larger font sizes without compromising your reading experience. Page layout and margins automatically adapt to work well at even the largest font sizes.
Large Print Book Collection
The Library offers a wide selection of fiction and non-fiction titles in large type for ease of reading.
Large Print New York Times
Available to read in the library is a Large Print weekly version of The New York Times. Available at the Reference Desk in the newspaper stand.
Large Print Newsletter
Large Print copies are available online at and in print in the Library.
Music & Memory- PJFL cardholders ONLY
Music & Memory is a personalized music therapy program for people with Alzheimer’s, Dementia and other related dementias. PJFL has a limited number of kits to loan out to caregivers (MUST have a valid PJFL card) of homebound people with these disorders. For more information on this worldwide program, visit If you would like to sign up, please fill out this Playlist Questionnaire (PDF) and return it to the Reference Department.
ReachDeck Toolbar
Look for this icon on our website and on Chrome on our public computers. This innovative support software adds speech, reading, and translation to websites facilitating access and participation for people with Dyslexia, Low Literacy, English as a Second Language, and those with mild visual impairments. Online content can be read aloud in multiple languages using the most natural and engaging voice to transform the user’s reading experience. Click here to view a Quick Reference Guide.
Sonic Super Ear
Having difficulty hearing at one of our programs? Just ask a staff member for a Sonic Super Ear, a personal sound amplifier that will improve your ability to hear the sounds around you. Click here to see how it works.
Stream Movies & Music– PJFL cardholders ONLY
The Library has access to stream digital movies and music through several platforms. This alternative does not require you to come into the Library building and allows you to access to a wide variety of movies, music and more through web and mobile platforms.