The Future of Your Library Public Meetings
We have gathered all of your feedback from our September public forum and are ready to show you what we have planned. A recording of our second Public Meeting (November 2016) is available below from our YouTube Channel. The recording can be enlarged by clicking full screen on the bottom right of the YouTube player.
Click here for Powerpoint Presentation
A recording of our first Public Meeting (September 2016) is available below from our YouTube Channel. The recording can be enlarged by clicking full screen on the bottom right of the YouTube player.
If you would like to make a suggestion, please scroll down to the form at the bottom of the page.
The History
As everyone may be aware, the library owns property at 114 Thompson Street, and has recently purchased a 2nd property adjacent to us at 205 East Main Street. Naturally, there is significant interest from the community about our plans, thoughts and ideas regarding their potential use and development. We strongly believe in having open, honest communication with everyone about the current and future state of your library. To that end we have created this web page to help answer questions, and to dispel any rumors or falsehoods that might be circulating.
The library is in the initial stages of addressing issues raised by our Strategic Plan. In order to accomplish our goals, and to meet the needs of our community as a 21st century library, we are investigating all our options, including taking a close look at our main building, and how it can serve you better. As of right now, there are no plans for either of the purchased properties, or a plan for the main building itself.
I can, however, report on several steps we have taken that will give us an idea of what is doable, what will be acceptable, and what will enhance our community.
In September of 2015, we put out a request for bids for an Architect. We held several open houses and tours of the main building and received many submissions. After reviewing them, and having several firms come back in for 2nd and 3rd interviews, we accepted the bid from BBS Architects.
Right now we are in the beginning stages of gathering information from our professionals.
A very general timeline is below:
Stage 1: Getting Started (March 2016-end of May 2016)
-Hire an Architect
-Complete a site survey
-Have existing building plans drawn and verified
Stage 2: (June 2016 – end of September 2016)
-Initial thoughts/meetings
-Public Forum and conceptual ideas, “Where do you see your library?”
Stage 3: (October 2016 – December 2018)
-Starting to bring it together
-Complete a design and turn ideas into a working plan
-Present design to the public for input
-Determine cost and funding options