Below are a list of websites that cover various aspects of technology and computer skills. If you are looking for a class at the library, please refer to our Newsletter or Events Calendar.
Coding® is a nonprofit dedicated to expanding access to computer science in schools and increasing participation by women and underrepresented minorities. Our vision is that every student in every school has the opportunity to learn computer science, just like biology, chemistry or algebra. provides the leading curriculum for K-12 computer science in the largest school districts in the United States and also organizes the annual Hour of Code campaign which has engaged 10% of all students in the world. is supported by generous donors including Amazon, Facebook, Google, the Infosys Foundation, Microsoft, and many more.
Codeacademy is an education company committed to helping people learn programming. They offer free, interactive lessons on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python and Ruby. Users are required to create a free account.
Computer Science Online
Prospective computer science students can find information on the latest cutting edge technologies and the education and career opportunities that drive them.
General Beginning and Intermediate Computer Skills
Digital Literacy Assessment
Take free assessments on a variety of basic and intermediate computer skills to see what your strengths and weaknesses are.
Excel Easy
We offer a tutorial (Introduction, Basics, Functions, Data Analysis and VBA) on how to use Excel. Below you can find an overview of all chapters. Want to learn much more about Excel? You can find related examples and features (300 Examples) on the right side of each chapter. We keep it easy!
GCF LearnFree
More than 90 tutorials on a variety of subjects; suitable for beginning and intermediate skill levels.
Free videos and article tutorials on how to use popular websites like Netflix, Amazon and Gmail as well as various social networks. Especially geared towards baby boomer and senior learners.
Virtual Privacy Lab
Learn about privacy topics and generate a custom privacy toolkit geared towards your online needs. Toolkits include links, tips, and resources that empower you to customize your online identity. From the San Jose Public Library.
Do a search with the name of your software or device and a brief explanation of what you want to learn, and chances are there are videos teaching what you seek. However, it is important to keep in mind that anyone can upload a video to YouTube and videos are not reviewed for their accuracy. An example search: “Microsoft Word 2010 mail merge tutorial”
Mouse and Keyboard
A great explanation of how to use the mouse, including lots of hands-on practice and fun games. Perfect for the complete beginner.
Typing Web
Create a free account to learn how to type as well as improve your speed and accuracy.
Software Specific
Adobe Creative Suite
Includes videos for the full Adobe creative suite, including Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, LightRoom and others. Suitable for beginners and intermediate students.
Floss Manuals
Find a variety of tutorials for open source software programs.
Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Publisher, Access)
Free tutorials from Microsoft on how to use their products, including Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Publisher and Access 2007-2013. Training courses are organized by product, then by skill level.
En Español/Spanish
Aprenda a teclear correctamente en pocas horas. Pronto estará escribiendo con los 10 dedos y a gran velocidad. 27 lecciones guiadas e interactivas vía web. Progrese paso a paso y a su ritmo.
English: Learn how to type correctly in just a few hours using all your fingers. You will soon be typing faster than you ever imagined. 27 guided lessons to learn step-by-step from the beginning. Choose between 23 different keyboard layouts. Web-based course. No downloads required.
Explora numerosos tutoriales sobre topicos de tecnología, incluyendo el uso de dispositivos como iPads y Androids. Para principiantes y intermedios.
English: Explore numerous tutorials on topics of technology , including the use of devices such as iPads and Androids . For beginners and intermediates.